Topping the blog lists!
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Open Letter To Senator Toomey on Healhtcare
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Local Nonprofit Set To Move Operations
According to members of the board (which, as a disclosure, yours truly is a member), the move came on the heels of a difficult winter that saw their bills increase beyond their income and a notice from their current landlord that she was exercising her options to end their lease after 5 1/2 years.
The Mission helps members of the community in need - be it issues with hunger, homelessness, joblessness, et al - by not only helping them out in the immediate but in the long run by trying to help them lift up out of their situations. They do this by direct means and by education. They also educate the community at large about these same issues.
For the past several years, they have worked with other area nonprofits, government agencies, churches and assorted groups, helping hundreds of families and individuals out of their situations.
The following is the press release they sent out about moving to their new space at 214 East Harford Street in Milford, PA.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Ousting Trump With The 25th Amendment Is A BAD Idea
Using the 25th Amendment, as many are talking about today to take the Presidency away from Donald Trump, is a nightmare. (Read more about it here.)
Hate Trump, love Trump, it doesn't matter. There are ways to legally remove a President. Investigations that reveal he did something wrong, illegal, treasonous and leading to impeachment is the only SANE way to do it.
If those in power decide to use the 25th Amendment it would not only be DANGEROUS for America today, it would set a PRECEDENT for future elections that could eventually erode the people's right to choose their leadership.
America's leadership in upheaval would be a sign for everyone from Russia and North Korea to ISIS and corporate entities worldwide to dig in their claws and complete their desires to bring America down. Many of these countries, groups and organizations have been working in various subtle ways to destabilize, destroy and/or take control of America. If the 25th Amendment were to be used, subtlety would go out the window.
It would be a sign to the financial world that America is a "bad investment" and our economy would deteriorate below the point of sustainability. Its is bad now, despite what our government would like us to believe. But with that government in turmoil, the truth will be public knowledge and it would spiral, with international financial groups taking their piece of the pie while it is in freefall. And the people will be the ones to suffer. All the thin veiled realities of the low paying, no benefit, part time work that replaced good stable paying jobs with benefits would crumble and people would lose hope. This later torn psyche of the American people would be difficult to rebound from.
The use of the 25th Amendment would now have a precedence that would be a cliff we could not un-fall off of. Any popular candidate would have to worry about the entrenched powers in DC deciding he was unfit for the office and removing him for any number of reasons, so long as they all decide to do it. That is 536 voices overriding hundreds of millions who participate in the election process.
There are those who say that the people don't really get to choose. But if the Trump election shows nothing else, it shows the fallacy of THAT argument. Whether you were the half of the country who voted for Trump and declared victory in ever increasing hate rhetoric or the half that voted against him that cried in their collective beers afterward and searched out their "safe spaces", the truth is that the election process was not governed by the powers that be. If it were, then we would be looking at a different Presidency right now.
If the people lose the perception that THEY are the ones who choose their leaders, voter turnout will be even more abysmal that it currently is. Apathy on a grand scale would set in American leadership will finally, once and for all, truly be decided by those in power, those with money, those with an agenda that does not match the best interests of the country at large.
The use of the 25th Amendment in this fashion will be the final nail in the coffin for the 241 year experiment in freedom and democracy would come to a dismal end.
But hey, thats just my thoughts on the matter. Don't listen to me. Use the gray matter between your ears and look at ALL the facts, not just the ones that people want to tell you, and decide for yourself. Think for yourself. Don't be sheep.
Anyway, this is just me, Thinking Out Loud.
Have a great day.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Tell Them to STOP on the Replace and Repeal Nonesense
Why?? Because their guy is facing an embarrassment and their leadership is facing calls for them to step down.
But again, why?? Its all a political charade. Its all about THEM and its supposed to be all about US! So here is a quick editorial opinion on it.
OPINION - DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T READ IT - Contact your representation in DC! Dem or GOP, doesn't matter, call them, email them, twitter them, Facebook them . . . hell, go stand at the door to their offices! Let them know that the repeal crap they are trying is NO GOOD! The legislation they keep trying to write to "replace and repeal" is NOT THE WAY TO GO! Tell them to work on individual legislation to FIX the problems with Obamacare! The House started doing this with H.R. 372 and 1101! Tell them that THAT is the way to go! Make them understand this is not a thing that is a prize to be won between the political parties, this is something that affects the lives of Americans and it is OUR wishes, not theirs, that need to be listened to!
If you want them to keep doing this instead of their job, if you think that one party MUST prevail over the other no matter what it does to the American people, then go ahead and encourage this bad, immoral activity in Washington DC.
But if you, like me, want it to STOP, then do something about it. Don't wait for someone else to do it for you. Thai is the government of the people, for the people, by the people.
But hey, thats just me Thinking Out Loud!
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Words. I seek them out like a deer seeking nourishment through the cold winter. Every step leading me through the vast white wilderness, not knowing where or if I will find the victuals that will carry me onward. As they escape me, I struggle on, hopeful and desperate. Weak and soul weary, I can not go back, yet I fear I can not go forward. Fear and panic lead me to despair. Hope and the promise of life lead me down the next path. Blindly I search.
The page before me is as blank as the deepest snow, no familiar landmark nor trail to guide me. Yet it is in this vast empty wild I find the solace for which my soul yearns. Even in its vacant form, it yields the promise of things to come. For without the unfilled page, there is no canvas which to lay bare my soul, no field for the seeds within my mind to bear flower.
Then, as I despair most, they come unbidden and whole from within me.
Words, the paint that colors man's tapestry from centuries past. The whole of humanity's experience that give meaning to life and love and desire and pain flow from me.
Then comes the fear. Fear of acceptance, of rejection. Who will read, why will they read . . .will they want to read. Yet does it matter? Though it shouldn't, it does. Fear. It is the killer of dreams, the torturer of dreamers.
Am I a dreamer; are my thoughts the dreams? What vanity makes me believe my words matter; that I matter? Do I? Do they?
Doubt creeps into the darkest corners of my soul. The corners from whence no good comes, where even I fear to peer. It spreads, like a vile disease, devouring hope and dreams.
The words falter, my chi suffers a grievous blow. I am undone.
But am I? A new thought springs anew within.
No, I do not matter; my words and dreams and hopes and desires do not matter.
For they are me whether the world exists or not. My essence flares again as I regain this simple truth. Though I do not matter, nor do my words matter, they are mine nonetheless. And I have no choice but to do what I must to survive. The words must continue to soar forth from me. If they do not, I die. For it is who I am. I can be nothing less than who and what I am.
I am a writer. I have always been a writer. I must always be a writer. For a writer writes because he must, and for no other reason.
And so the words continue, free from the doubt, free from the vanity, pure and complete.
I am at peace.
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Ironic, No! Sad, Yes!
Don't you think it just a tad sad - I would say "ironic" but that word is not proper - that the birthplace of the Free Speech Movement is now to be know as the place where free speech died?
Berkley, you may not like what the man has to say, but YOU said he has a right to say it.
Agree, disagree, I don't care. But I would never stop you from saying it.
Have a great day - if you can.
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
DeVos Not Fit For ANY Cabinet Position, INHO
- She was chair of the Michigan Republican Committee. Not a qualification for Secretary of Education.
- She is married to the Heir of Amway. Not a qualification.
- She was the chair of American Federation for Children. Not a qualification and actually seems like conflict of interest type of thing.
- She is head of many philanthropic groups. Not a qualification. Means she's rich, not qualified.
- She has a Bachelor's degree in business administration and political science. A qualification, but not what one would say is a good one.
- The October 6, 1997 op-ed DeVos wrote for the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call is not available online. The archives editor at the paper has sent me a copy of the piece and I include it here.
- An email to Senator Scott's office, specifically to his Communications Director Sean Smith, about claims whether DeVos contributed to his campaign have not been responded to as of yet. I guess you can take that as either a “no comment” or as “we don't care to respond to an American citizen's request for transparency. (Or maybe its just a “we're too busy to answer some nobody journalist's question” response.)