Topping the blog lists!

You made Thinking Out Loud one of the top ten conservative blogs on "Top Political Blog" site (on April 28, 2012) with an international audience. On February 18, 2013, we hit in the top 50 of ALL political blogs. (This changes all the time, so keep reading.) Thank you.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

New Drill SGT School at Ft. Jackson Dedicated - Columbia Ft. Jackson Headlines |

Military boon for Columbia, SC future with new school and associated facilities.

New Drill SGT School at Ft. Jackson Dedicated - Columbia Ft. Jackson Headlines |

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The selling (or raffling off) of a President

It is absolutely deplorable. We thought it was bad when we read or hear stories of some politician taking money or vacations or dinners or golf outings on the tab of some big time lobbyist. We shake our heads in disgust as we see OUR elected officials taking more interest in special interest than in their own constituents. We applaud when one gets arrested; sigh when they get a slap on the wrist and continue to draw a Congressional paycheck.

But now we have seen everything.

The raffling off of a President.

Both Obama and the Democrat establishment should truly feel shame at what they have become.

The following is an email from Robby Mook, the DCCC Executive Director:

Your Photo with President ObamaTuesday, February 22, 2011 6:13 PM
From: "Robby Mook, DCCC Executive Director"
To: "Charles Reynolds"

Charles --

Just wanted to make sure you saw Leader Pelosi’s message about your chance to meet President Obama on March 8th.

If you’re chosen as our lucky winner, not only will you get the chance to meet the President, but you’ll get to have your picture taken with him too.

Contribute $5 or more today and you will be automatically entered for a chance to win a trip to Boston (airfare and hotel included). If you win, you and a friend will attend a dinner with President Obama on March 8th and get your picture taken with him.

Help us show continued grassroots strength for President Obama’s agenda. If you’re our lucky winner, you’ll get to meet the President and get your picture taken with him to keep for all time.


Robby Mook
DCCC Executive Director

From: Nancy Pelosi
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 1:27 pm
Subject: Dinner with President Obama

Friend --

It is my pleasure to share some exciting news.

On March 8th, President Barack Obama will join Democratic leaders for dinner in Boston -- and I wanted to offer you the chance to join us.

It has never been more critical to show continued grassroots strength and excitement for President Obama’s agenda to win the future by creating jobs and making America the world’s innovation leader.

Contribute $5 or more today and you will be automatically entered for a chance to win a trip to Boston (airfare and hotel included). If you win, you and a friend will be my guests at a dinner with President Obama on March 8th.

There is so much at stake. Rather than join President Obama by investing in America’s future, Republicans and their special interest shadow groups have pushed a divisive agenda that will compromise the economic security of our middle class.

It is critical that we show the world how strongly we support President Obama’s bold vision to encourage innovation and invest in America’s future.

Contribute $5 or more today and you will be automatically entered for a chance to win a trip to Boston (airfare and hotel included). If you win, you and a friend will be my guests at a dinner with President Obama on March 8th.

March 8th promises to be an unforgettable evening with President Obama and leading Democrats from across America. I look forward to sharing it with you.

Nancy Pelosi
Democratic Leader

P.S. It is critical that we show continued grassroots strength and excitement for President Obama’s agenda to win the future. Contribute today and you will be automatically entered for a chance to win a trip to Boston (airfare and hotel included). If you win, you and a friend will be my guests at a dinner with President Obama on March 8th.

Maybe its just me. Maybe America is fine with someone raffling off a photo op with the President of the United States like some Hollywood teeny bobber icon. Maybe I am the only one who thinks this demeans the office and exposes a seamy side to popular politics. I mean, hey, maybe I am the only one in America who feels that auctioning off a chance to be photographed with the President of the United States for $5 or more sent to get a new Democrat commercial on the air for the 2012 election campaigns is kind of tacky and sleazy.

I sure hope I am not. And if you are with me on this or you are against me on my thinking here, it is okay. It really doesn't matter to me. What matters is that I get you to think for yourselves and see some of the ridiculous political shenanigans that go on in this country but don't get much mainstream press coverage. But heck, this is just me, Thinking Out Loud.

Have a great day.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Solar Flares and The Web

I don't know (mainly because no one is making any comments and I can't find a reputable source to confirm), but I think that the solar flares that are sweeping earth and knocked out China's short wave radios two days ago are slowing down the internet. I did a speed check after I couldn't get much work done today (like I was really doing much reporting anyway) and found that my web was working 212 times slower than it should be.

If anyone has seen their GPS going bonkers or cell phones or other wireless type and satellite dependent devices let me know. (Comments are always welcome.)

But what has me pondering this particular event (and, you ask, what does this have to do with your usual political rant??) is this was a fairly large event, but nothing like what we could be experiencing in the next few years.

The past eleven years the sun has been at solar minimum. And last year there were barely any sunspot activity to speak of. Also, the last major flare activity of any consequence occurred during a period in our development that did not depend so heavily on electronic devices. GPS, cell phones, OnStar (tm), wireless webs and even wireless power stations dominate our daily lives. And don't even get me started on what chaos would ensue were our TV remotes and Wii controllers stop working!!! Akkkkkkkkk!

But back to the thought at hand.

What is our government doing about planning for such an event? Nada, people. Zip. Zilch. Zero effort being extended. But oh they are getting themselves ready for the 2012 elections, you can be sure. Healthcare. Illegal immigrants. Jobs. The economy. Expansion of government. Denial of states' sovereignty. Don't ask, don't tell. You know, all the important hot button issues that make for great sound bites.

On the other hand, we may not want these boneheads in politics to start dealing with this. Remember what stupidity and junk science (on both sides) that came out of the partisan political rhetoric about global warming?

No, maybe it should be up to us, the citizens of America to do something about the possible dark ages impact a BIG flare might leave us in for a few days or weeks. Maybe private industry can put some resources on this problem. maybe the average Joe inventor could tackle this. Maybe we can show the politicians what to do rather than wait for them to tell us what to do. (Remember the stupid debacle of the outlaying of light bulbs in favor of ones that you need a HAZMAT cleanup if you drop it on the kitchen floor?)

AT this point I'm not even sure what it is I'm talking about today for you to agree or disagree with. Maybe the solar flares are messing with my cerebral electrical signals. Either way, as usual, it doesn't matter much. Because it is just me, Thinking Out Loud.

Have a great day.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Little Pet Peeves that really bother me (Politically)

The TEA party started out as a group of Americans really ticked off with the US government for its over-reaching, power grabbing, un-Constitutional behaviour. Taxed Enough Already. And it grew into a bunch of Americans voicing their displeasure with the bloated, spend like a drunken sailor, more interested in special interests than protecting the interests of the public entity.

But then along came the naysayers. (Generally, the ones in power, behind the power and gain the most from keeping those in power.) They called the group racists. Which is hard to fathom when every race, gender and creed have taken up the "fed up with the Feds up" in DC rallying cry. They say its a bunch of American hating nazi's. Which is so ludicrous that it doesn't garner much more of a response from me except to say there is nothing MORE American than voicing your opinions about how our country is run. They have called the group anti-Government . . . okay, I'll give that one to them, so long as what they mean the government which is overspending, stomping on rights, ignoring the Constitution, ignoring the will of the people and sleeping with the special interests and unions. Then YEP, guilty on that one. (If you may recall, I am not a part of any TEA party organization, haven't even gone to a meeting of same. I am just an American that believes all AMERICANS deserve a voice.)

THEN came the media, who, as usual, just doesn't get it. They started referring to the TEA party as the Tea Party. It is not a political party. It is Americans standing up and letting their voices be heard. That it is from those who mostly identify themselves as conservative is a story in and of itself, as most conservatives have not traditionally done the grass roots, rally, sign carrying routine. But the mainstream media did their usual thing and leaned waaaaaay left on this one and fell in line with the liberal, Democrat agenda.

But that is just one thing. Another is that you cannot disapprove of President Obama without being called a racist or Uncle Tom. I am so tired of that card being played by politician and pundit alike. Obermann with his little chills running up his leg can go stuff it in a Spam can. I do not disagree with Obama because he is not white, I disagree with Obama because he is wrong. There is a great difference. If a white man, oh I don't know, like Clinton or Carter were doing the things Obama has done . . . oh wait, yeah they did a lot of stuff like Obama (just not as fast or as radical) and I totally disagreed with what they did. In fact, I don't like the President's policies hardly at all, but I still think Jimmy carter was the worst President in modern history. And he was my boss for a brief period of time and I am allowed to say that.

Another little political pet peeve of mine is the ridiculous way that every pundit thinks in black and white and has no shades of grey or coloring in between. We can have social responsibility but still be fiscally conservative. We can take care of those most in need (as out founding fathers envisioned America) while still cutting those off who take advantage of our generosity for their own greed. We can be big business friendly and still protect the rights of the workers. Without business, there are no jobs. Without skilled and educated people, there are no good workers. If we keep jobs in America, for Americans, we can reward those who make that possible. The American Dream is still alive. The American Spirit will not be torn asunder. So long as we all realize that we all have to live in this house.

I will share more in Political Pet Peeves Two. But for now, my fingers are tired, my back and leg is hurting and I need a break.

As usual, agree or disagree, that really doesn't matter to me. So long as I get you to think for yourselves, I've done my job. Because, heck, this is just me . . . Thinking out Loud.

Have a great day!

City Council passes rate hike in SCE&G bill for bus funding - Columbia Conservative |

As usual, a politician says "we will not raise taxes" and find another way to do it. Franchise fees increase! Sheesh, just call it "my hand in your pocket" and get on with it.

City Council passes rate hike in SCE&G bill for bus funding - Columbia Conservative |

Thursday, February 10, 2011

H 3246 to address alcohol-energy drinks passes House - Columbia Conservative |

It is exemplary to try and get dangerous products off our shelves. It is a mistake to push something through with language that is too vague and may have an undesired impact. Did we learn nothing from Obamacare and stimulus?!?

H 3246 to address alcohol-energy drinks passes House - Columbia Conservative |

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Gov. Haley vetoes H 3221 - Columbia Conservative |

While most government administrations promise but never deliver, Gov. Nikki Haley of SC does. Pretty impressive.

Gov. Haley vetoes H 3221 - Columbia Conservative |

Happy Birthday, Jules Verne!

I am taking a moment out of my usual issues and giving honor to a great writer.

Jules Gabriel Verne was born on this day in 1828. He died in 1905. Yet his vision was so incredible, he wrote of men going to the moon, a nuclear submarine and predicted the shrinkage of the world with his Around the World in 80 Days.

His work was thrilling, spectacularly imaginative and vividly enjoyable. He weaved story, humor and political messages into thrilling tales of wonder and adventure.

There is always the question if writers envision the future or if fans bring their visions to life. But it cannot be denied that either way, the impact of science fiction writers on our lives is tremendous.

Yet, the genre has always gotten the cold shoulder from most literati types, scholars, and anyone else out there. The fans are called nuts, kooks, weirdos, crazies and more derogatory terms than can be listed here.

No matter if Verne's envisioning nuclear powered submarines gave them eventual form or if his imagination gave spark to some engineer's brilliance. He did see it, he did write about it. He even took on an environmental tone to his tale, aka PETA-like, long before it was "fashionable" to do so.

And his style, in such tales as his adventure on the Amazon (Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon) which has been put to great use by the likes of James Patterson.

Whether you are a reader or not, a fan of science fiction or not, Jules Verne had a seriously positive impact on the lives of billions around the world. And in the grand tradition of his country of birth, I uncork a bottle of Chablis and say "Bon anniversaire, Jules. Nous vous saluons!"

Thursday, February 3, 2011