Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA), acting as an agent for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, has decided to send out a "scare" email in order to raise money. And in that email, she is lying.
In the email, Speier states "Last night House Republicans voted in favor of an appalling piece of anti-choice legislation that could force victims of rape and incest to relive their trauma during an IRS audit and deny millions of American women access to life-saving reproductive health care."
But according to the actual Bill (which can be seen here), there is no such language. In fact, it says just the opposite of what Rep. Speier is alleging.
"19 ‘‘§ 308. Treatment of abortions related to rape, incest,
20 or preserving the life of the mother
21 ‘‘The limitations established in sections 301, 302,
22 and 303 shall not apply to an abortion—
23 ‘‘(1) if the pregnancy is the result of an act of
24 rape or incest; or
•HR 3 EH
1 ‘‘(2) in the case where a woman suffers from a
2 physical disorder, physical injury, or physical illness
3 that would, as certified by a physician, place the
4 woman in danger of death unless an abortion is per
5 formed, including a life-endangering physical condi
6 tion caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself."
Read in (page 5) line 22. It specifically states the bill does NOT impact women pregnant due to rape or incest or with physically dangerous conditions. Therefore, she is lying just to get you to send money to the Democrats for "Rapid Response ads."
This is the lowest of the low and quite frankly I am tired of this type of politics from ALL sides of the political spectrum. If you can't stand on your own merit without trying to scare voters with outright lies, you don't deserve to be a leader of our country.
I know Speier's constituents from California and would never in a million years attempt to recall her. (These loons have some of the most messed up laws in the country, have the most loathsome moral ideas and the loosest sets of values around.) But that is exactly what I think they should do. I think that people like Speier, and the larcenous Jefferson, and the sick child molesting and tax cheating and the money laundering scum that inhabit our highest political offices should all be recalled. But no one is going to recall Schumer, or Jefferson, or any of these other offensive individuals.
It is about time we take our government back from the losers who keep convincing us to re-elect them and then return to their sleazy way of politicking they were up to in between elections. I think it is about time we DEMAND they set term limits, so they don't get comfy in the DC roles. Then we can make them come back to the real world where the rest of America lives before they lose all concept of reality. No more 30, 40, 50 year political office holders. No more politicians beholden to special interests who pay millions to their campaigns.
And along those lines, we should DEMAND that any laws regarding THEM, like raises, should be put before the public in referendum votes. I am tired of Congress giving themselves raises while the rest of us suffer through tough economies. But I digress from the point.
(Here is a copy of the entire text of the email from Speier.)
Charles --
Last night House Republicans voted in favor of an appalling piece of anti-choice legislation that could force victims of rape and incest to relive their trauma during an IRS audit and deny millions of American women access to life-saving reproductive health care.
Their assault on women has nothing to do with saving money and everything to do with forcing extremist beliefs into the tax code of the United States of America.
And they didn't stop there. They used the occasion to sneak in a provision restricting the definition of rape to deny victims access to reproductive health care -- even after they claimed to have removed the language in the face of overwhelming public opposition.
We must take immediate, decisive action against this attack on women's health and reproductive freedom.
Help us hold House Republicans accountable: Contribute $3 or more right now so we can get hard-hitting Rapid Response ads up holding Republican extremists in Congress accountable for their radical assault on women’s health care and reproductive freedom.
Republicans’ H.R. 3 bill would drastically restrict women's options for reproductive services by imposing burdensome new regulations on public and private insurance coverage. If made law, women would be denied using money from their personal health savings accounts to pay for abortion services.
I know how important it is for all women to have access to reproductive health care and it is unconscionable that one party would hold women's health hostage and use the tax code as a moral club to force their religious beliefs on every American.
We are just $27,215 short of our emergency Rapid Response goal of $100,000 by Midnight Tonight to fight this Republican extremism.
Help us hold House Republicans accountable: Contribute $3 or more right now so we can get hard-hitting Rapid Response ads up holding Republican extremists in Congress accountable for their radical assault on women’s health care and reproductive freedom.
With your help, we will stand up to this extremism and protect women’s reproductive freedom.
Thank you.
Rep. Jackie Speier
P.S. House Republicans will stop at nothing to appease their extremist anti-choice Tea Party backers. Please contribute right now so Democrats can get hard-hitting Rapid Response ads up to hold the extremists in Congress accountable for their radical assault on women’s health care and reproductive freedom.
Contributions or gifts to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee are not tax deductible.
Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003
(202) 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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Agree or disagree, it makes no matter to me. So long as it makes you think for yourselves and stop letting these nimrods tell you what and how to think. But hey, you know, this is just me, Thinking Out Loud.
Have a great day.
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