Topping the blog lists!

You made Thinking Out Loud one of the top ten conservative blogs on "Top Political Blog" site (on April 28, 2012) with an international audience. On February 18, 2013, we hit in the top 50 of ALL political blogs. (This changes all the time, so keep reading.) Thank you.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Some wonder, others criticize

Some wonder why I write this blog, some wonder why don't write more and some just criticize what is written and debate the motive.

I shall endeavor to put it as simply as possible - although I thought I did this at the end of every blog entry - by employing the words of history's greatest philosopher, Socrates.

"I cannot teach anybody anything I can only make them think."

I only pass along things I have found that are contrary to common sense, that I have discovered through my skills as an investigative journalist, and the obvious manipulations by unscrupulous people to make their bosses sound much better than they truly are.

As for my political philosophies, I am indeed conservative, with one caveat - that is with a small "c" not a capital one. I do not identify with a party nor do I ascribe to any one political party or affiliation. Everything I view, I do so from a conservative tableau. And that is the only benchmark I have for myself.

So from that, I point out the stupid things, the SPIN things, the lack of common sense things that EVERYONE is doing.

Some say, "no you are anti-Obama." To this I have to say honestly no I am not. Am I against many things he does as President? Yes. Am I outraged by some of the things he and his administration have to say and do? Most definitely yes. BUt I was once impressed by him when he was younger. I was once looking forward to what he could do in his political career. But then I watched him get chewed up by the machine and infiltrated by the SPIN. Sometimes (and I only believe this sometimes), I think he actually even believes some of the SPIN. SOme of it. Not all of it. Which makes him even more of the typical politician. Because he only believes some of it. Which means he knows most of it is BS. And still does what he does.

But as a man, a father, an American, a human being, I have absolutely nothing against him.

I am equally vocal about many things supposed Conservatives, Republicans and other "patriots" do. I will blast Romney, the GOP and anyone else who spews the SPIN for their own person, party or political gain.

America is better than all this nonsense. And there needs to be voices out there - even those who oppose me as well - speaking to truth. Because it is with these voices, speaking loud and clear, and unhindered by an oppressive government, that will KEEP America strong.

So, I will keep on speaking to the idiots and SPIN and blatant lies that undermine this country I love and served, and continue to serve in my own way. I will keep calling politicians, celebrity, fawning media, and anyone else that would SPIN the truth to suit their own agenda and against what is best for America.

How do you know what is best for America!?

I hear you screaming that (and I thought I was done with this post - but noooooo). So I will address this now, here, rather than later.

I don't know what is best for America.

But our founders did. They created a beautiful template for us to follow.

Freedom of thought. Freedom from dictatorship states. Freedom to choose our religion. Freedom to chose who we work for, what we do, how we do it. Freedom to be the best we can be.

They put into a place a government answerable to the governed. A government that is a servant and not a tyrant. A government, if it becomes too deaf and blind, has in its mechanism a manner to which to expunge it and replace it with one that returns to that which it was designed to be - a government of the people, for the people and by the people.

By using this benchmark, I can see what the founders believed to be best for America. And speak from these truths to show people how to STOP BEING SHEEP and AVOID THE SPIN.

And to those who say, oh that is outdated and old-fashioned, America needs to change, I simply respond it is NOT America which needs to change - at least not it founding principles. It is those who feel this way that can move to somewhere else.

America is not the land of the dependent and the lazy. It is the "land of the brave and home of the free." If you can't live with the basic ideas that founded the freedoms this country is built upon, then there is no locked door keeping you here. If you want cradle to grave service, move to Europe. If you want a government that does all your thinking move to Russia or China.

This is why I oppose Obama and anyone who would "change" America into some socialist, nanny state. That is NOT America.

But you know, agree or not, its all good. I just want you to think for yourself. Look into the truth of history and not the lies of SPIN. Learn from where it is you (and by this I mean the collective you of America) grew from. Learn to discern truth from lies and half truths, AVOID THE SPIN they would have you believe. And if I can get just one person to STOP BEING SHEEP, then I will feel I have done well. Anyway, this is just me, as usual, Thinking Out Loud.

Have a great day.


Saturday, May 26, 2012

On this Memorial Day 2012

There are those who served their countries, countries all over the world, who did so during "peace time." These people are not often remembered for their service. And often feel less than appreciated.

Lets remember all of them on this day - their families and friends who knew them - for their service, their dedication and their sacrifice - sometimes with their lives.

Not even going to say about agreeing or not today. Just remember this is just me, Thinking Out Loud.

Have a great day - and a wonderful weekend.


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Duh-bama news

Here's an interesting tidbit from the White House visitor news. Obama is pro-abortion. (And when he was in the IL legislature, he would not support legislation that protected fetuses that "survived" abortion attempts.) Yet a woman MUST register an unborn child (which I must remind you is termed a "baby" not a fetus - kind of suggesting a right) and include the gender, if known. Weird. And kind of hypocritical.

I wrote about Dinner with Obama and brought up how it seemed inappropriate to have this "campaign" function at the White House - as well as kind of illegal maybe to essentially sell lottery tickets for this. No one else was talking about this. Then SUDDENLY its Dinner with George Clooney at his house. Well, not to be outdone, Mitt Romney is having a "Lunch with Mitt" thing. But at the bottom of HIS email, it says "No purchase necessary." I think this is not only interesting (since no one but me was talking about this) but makes a point. Obama was asking people to "purchase" this chance to eat dinner with a sitting President at the White House. Selling the office. Pretty sad.

And for you twit-wits, who would say "uh, da President does those fund raiser dinner things" and I shouldn't even be making a deal about it. But you see here is the difference. Obam does not sell those tickets. And it is a ticket, like going to the movies or something, and not a lottery / raffle / etc. Someone else is doing a fund raiser and the President uses his position as the head of the Party to be there and endorse this person the dinner is for. Even it its for himself. But to sell these raffle tickets, gambling, and use the White House (which does not BELONG to him, it BELONGS to us) is pretty much an abuse of office.

This item is more about the duh-bama supporters than anyone. The President's recent "gay marriage" announcement - which followed the weird and creepy Biden "finger movements" speech - is all about politics. His numbers were slipping even after he denied all blame on everything from the economy to the wet spot on the carpet (just kidding - but he would deny it if it would help him get re-elected). So he did something his handlers told him - openly and loudly support gay marriage. And it did.

From CBS News: "Obama's campaign has declined to say how much it has collected since the announcement but some staffers have asked supporters to give money as a way of expressing their approval."

Anyone who can't see that this is politics plain and simple and they are being used, in my humble opinion, is an absolute idiot.

Don't get me wrong, they all do it. Pander. But since this is "duh-bama news" and not "duh-lected official news" I am just concentrating on this senseless dolts.

But you know, you can agree or disagree with me and it makes no real difference to me. So long as it is you - and not some spin doctor speaking THROUGH you - doing the agreeing or disagreeing. I want you to THINK FOR YOURSELVES, STOP BEING SHEEP and AVOID THE SPIN! Anyway, this is just me, Thinking out Loud.

Have a great day.


postscript - I hope all of you mothers out there (and I mean that in the awed, respectful way - not the cynical way some of you might take me to say it) have an absolutely wonderful Mother's Day. - Love you and miss you, mom.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Iran, Obama, and the kitchen sink

A couple of tidbits to go over in this posting. Iran, Obama, Romney

Okay, we know the leaders of Iran are off their freaking rockers. Its such a shame because the people are so well balanced there. (eye roll) But now comes this story about an altered image for their missile testing. Seems they included a shot of JarJar Binks from Star Wars. If I were Spielberg, I'd sue. What I like about this image, however, is the missile in the background that seems to be coming back at them. Prophetic, maybe? Lets hope.

President Obama is back on the campaign trail. And this means he is jumping on his old strategy again. Deny, deny, deny . . . and hope the American public is gullible enough to fall for it again. I know many an Obama supporter from the first run in 2008 are fed up with him. But its been four years, so there is a bunch of new young people to target and exploit. A new group of young blacks to lie to, a new bunch of young whites to make feel guilty and just generally a new bunch of well meaning but politically and socially ignorant voters to get to pull the old Democrat lever. Just take a look at his "its not my fault" on the economy. Supporters just knowingly nod their head in agreement (as the puppet masters of SPIN reach in, remove their spine and nod it for them). Oh no, they will decry, this is all Bush's fault. Lets forget for a moment that the President is where the buck stops. Ignore the fact that Obama has constantly dodged that buck stopping on his own watch. To say he is "not responsible" for our current financial woes we must rip out part of our brain and forget he was IN CONGRESS when this was happening. We must ignore the fact that HE DID NOTHING while in Congress of any real significance. He merely stood by during photo ops with the people who did do things. Even things we don't like. But he initiated nothing on his own. You can argue that he said the "right things" in opposition. But I put out there for you to consider, he showed NO LEADERSHIP on anything while he was in congress. SO I further submit to you that by NOT DOING anything, he is just as at fault for the economy as everyone else that has been in Congress for the last decade or more.

(I also point out that the figure MOST responsible for our current financial woes is actually Barney Frank, who obstructed efforts to reign in the problems with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac dating all the way back to 2000. Yet no one is willing to indict this scumbag because they don't want to be seen offending gays. - I further want to point out that I have no problem offending gays, blacks, white, asian, hetero or otherwise sexual, or just about anyone who deserves to be singled out for stupidity. It doesn't mean I am anti-gay, black, etc - it means I am willing to call stupid, ignorant, criminal or whatever if the accusation fits.)

And I don't intend for that to sound racist, but it is the President himself who keeps trumping up the race card. He keeps jumping on it like a kid on a new pogo stick, never getting tired of going up and down, but never getting anywhere in the vicinity of forward movement.

Coming as no surprise to anyone, Vladmir Putin, who really wants a return of the Soviet Union's glory days, speaks of unity and shows what he means by rounding up protestors. In what can only amount to the ultiamte "spin", Putin said, "We want to, and we will, live in a democratic country," evoking patriotic images of Russia as a great nation and urging people to show a sense of responsibility and national pride to make the country stronger. And these guys are our friends. At least they are friends with Obama.

Not to be outdone on the international arena, the President has issued a memoranda (dated April 25, 2012) in regards to ignoring terrorism and ignoring international conventions, in order to give money and lots of other things to the Palestinian Authority. By issuing this memoranda, which seems tame on the surface, simply stating the whole "Chapter 4 of Part II" opens the door to all kinds of aide. We may not be at war with Palestine, and according to Obama himself we aren't even really at war with terrorists anymore, but this really shows that Obama is no friend of Israel.

Things look like a lock for Romney at the Republican National Convention come August. Or do they? Seems that Ron Paul is gathering enough delegates to make things a problem for Romney. If for no other reason than the fact that Mitt will have to do some groveling and give Ron Paul supporters things they want on the platform. The little guy who never seems to gain enough support to influence things may actually get a little maneuvering room at the convention.

To which, on the latter issue, I am hoping to be able to swing enough cash to make it to Tampa for the GOP convention. I have the press credentials, I just need the money to get there, find a place to stay and get home. Cross your fingers. I am not wiling to ask for donations in order to get there, but if you want to buy my book between now and June, I will get the money from the publisher in time to book a flight and room. I figure I need to sell just about 1000 books to afford the trip. As a reminder, you can purchase Thinking Out Loud - The Book directly from the publisher (Smashwords) here. If I get 10 comments on this blog I will also put on a link where you can get 10% off the book. (This should still allow me to make enough money for the convention but on the cheap - that is, only a meal a day.)

Finally, agree or disagree with what I have to say, it doesn't really matter. So long as it is YOU agreeing or disagreeing, and not regurgitation of some SPIN doctor's version of things. Because, hey, this is just me, Thinking Out Loud.

Have a great day.
