Topping the blog lists!

You made Thinking Out Loud one of the top ten conservative blogs on "Top Political Blog" site (on April 28, 2012) with an international audience. On February 18, 2013, we hit in the top 50 of ALL political blogs. (This changes all the time, so keep reading.) Thank you.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Hypocritical President Slams Russia Without Knowing US History

President Obama slams Russia and declares retaliations for their "interference in US elections. And people cry foul as Trump slams CIA for its reports about Russian involvement in our elections. (The latter I will address later.)

But I have to stand dumbfounded at facts that seem to slip the minds of those declaring this reason enough for a war with Russia or for invalidating our election process.

Kind of hypocritical of Obama and the US to freak about Russian interference in US Elections. Example after example shows the US involvement with the overthrow and undermining of governments throughout the world and over decades.

Here's just a few:

More recently

I cannot understand how this really intelligent man, who is a Constitutional lawyer yet trashes the founding document with almost every edict he issues, would be such a hypocrite about others interfering with our elections . . . . 

Okay, never mind. Any intelligent individual can see this administration is out of control. And the blind sheep who follow all of these far left and far right are the ones who keep putting these megalomaniacs into office.

Outside of the facts, the rest is simply my opinion, my take on things. And you can either agree or disagree. Because this is just me, Thinking Out Loud.

Have a great day.


Friday, September 30, 2016

Another Reason To Say NO To Hillary Clinton for President

Need a reason to say "NO!" to Hillary Clinton for President?
Hillary Clinton and her "superpredator" quote.
Here is a link to a Washington Post piece in February of this year, where during a primary stop she grew irritated by a woman who demanded Clinton apologize for her remark in 1996 (although she said "those kinds of kids" and did not directly call them "black youth") - which she didn't originally recognize as her own quote.

(Incorrect meme floating around the internet.
No attribution is offered but can be found on
Facebook page.)

Clinton only apologized in the Post AFTER the event that caused her during the Primary to be confronted by this quote. (But in the scope of fairness, it must be noted that while she was referencing black gangs in her speech she never said "black youth". She said "those kinds of kids".)
The woman raising the issue was chastised by organizers and Clinton, and escorted out. And THIS is the woman who wants us to elect her President? Saying she is better than Gary Johnson? Saying she wants us to BELIEVE her? What a true travesty that people in this country would continue to support her.
Clinton is a bully. And this is not just me saying something mean. This is fact supported by incident after incident of her actions. The Primary stop in Columbia, South Carolina is just one of many where her arrogance is on direct display, yet millions flock to her.
Based on her record and her actions, I can only conclude that they do so because she is a woman. And they want a woman President . . . no matter what. No matter how unethical, immoral, stupendously arrogant that woman may be.
Although my detractors will call this a misogynistic statement (they are the same who say any disagreement with the President is racist - both completely false observations), it is not. I would vote for a decent qualified woman the same way I would vote for anyone running for office.
I don't want a white President. I don't want a black President. I don't want a woman President. Nor a Republican / Democrat / Socialist / Etc, etc President. I don't want ANY "Fill-In-The-Blank" President.
I want a decent, qualified, ethical, moral President who has the interests of the country - not their own or their financial backers or some party driven agenda crony or some court of world opinion - the best interests of the United States of America as their central motivation.
But I tell you here and now, and you can look it up - in fact I WANT YOU TO LOOK IT UP - for yourself. Don't listen to what people say about the candidates or their speeches or their motives, listen to what the candidates SAY and DO themselves. Look at what they HAVE DONE to see what they will do.
Don't be sheep! Don't listen to the SPIN DOCTORS! Think for yourselves!

(In case the above link does not work, copy and paste this in your browser:

Another Reason To Say NO To Hillary Clinton for President

Need a reason to say "NO!" to Hillary Clinton for President?
Hillary Clinton and her "superpredator" quote.
Here is a link to a Washington Post piece in February of this year, where during a primary stop she grew irritated by a woman who demanded Clinton apologize for her remark in 1996 (although she said "those kinds of kids" and did not directly call them "black youth") - which she didn't originally recognize as her own quote.

(Incorrect meme floating around the internet.
No attribution is offered but can be found on
Facebook page.)

Clinton only apologized in the Post AFTER the event that caused her during the Primary to be confronted by this quote. (But in the scope of fairness, it must be noted that while she was referencing black gangs in her speech she never said "black youth". She said "those kinds of kids".)
The woman raising the issue was chastised by organizers and Clinton, and escorted out. And THIS is the woman who wants us to elect her President? Saying she is better than Gary Johnson? Saying she wants us to BELIEVE her? What a true travesty that people in this country would continue to support her.
Clinton is a bully. And this is not just me saying something mean. This is fact supported by incident after incident of her actions. The Primary stop in Columbia, South Carolina is just one of many where her arrogance is on direct display, yet millions flock to her.
Based on her record and her actions, I can only conclude that they do so because she is a woman. And they want a woman President . . . no matter what. No matter how unethical, immoral, stupendously arrogant that woman may be.
Although my detractors will call this a misogynistic statement (they are the same who say any disagreement with the President is racist - both completely false observations), it is not. I would vote for a decent qualified woman the same way I would vote for anyone running for office.
I don't want a white President. I don't want a black President. I don't want a woman President. Nor a Republican / Democrat / Socialist / Etc, etc President. I don't want ANY "Fill-In-The-Blank" President.
I want a decent, qualified, ethical, moral President who has the interests of the country - not their own or their financial backers or some party driven agenda crony or some court of world opinion - the best interests of the United States of America as their central motivation.
But I tell you here and now, and you can look it up - in fact I WANT YOU TO LOOK IT UP - for yourself. Don't listen to what people say about the candidates or their speeches or their motives, listen to what the candidates SAY and DO themselves. Look at what they HAVE DONE to see what they will do.
Don't be sheep! Don't listen to the SPIN DOCTORS! Think for yourselves!

(In case the above link does not work, copy and paste this in your browser:

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Electoral Vote Myth The Establishment Wants You To Believe

Just this afternoon, an intelligent woman who was in the Trump corner but was willing to entertain the idea of Gov. Gary Johnson in the debates, if not in voting for him. She was willing to listen. Now, after last night's first Presidential debate (in which Johnson was excluded), she is adamantly for Trump. She declared that no one should vote for Johnson because it would sway the electoral to Clinton.

When I told her that Johnson still had a chance to win the election, she insisted he did not. “Don't you remember the Bush Gore election, where Gore won the popular vote and Bush won the Electoral College vote?”

This did not sit right with me, so I went back to my Government 101 recollections. And figured out that the major party campaigns want to perpetuate the falsehood that Governor Gary Johnson, as a third party candidate, cannot win the electoral vote. If they get everyone out here in reality land to believe their lies, they don't have to face the truth.

That they could lose.

Okay, here's where the lie of the Electoral College option falls apart.

There are 50 states and the District of Columbia. Each state has a set of electors in the Electoral College. They vote for the candidate who won the popular vote, or the candidate of the party who wins the popular vote.

And in 29 states plus the District of Columbia, this is true. They have laws governing this process. In 21 states, they do not. These states can vote for whoever they want, no matter the popular vote.

Now to be fair, they usually do. But there are no laws that would restrict them.

But lets get back to those 26 states plus DC that do have these laws. These states are: Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming.

So let us presume that the outcome of these states only are a popular vote win for Gary Johnson. Those states are obligated, under law, to vote for the winner of the popular vote. I then added up all the Electoral votes of these states. And do you know what I came up with?


That's right, if Gary Johnson were to win the popular vote of these states, he would have more than the 270 Electoral votes to win. And that's just winning these 26 states and DC. ANY combination of different states would win him the election.

Now I know you might keep saying, he doesn't have a chance of winning these states. A third party candidate can't win. And this is exactly the thing that Trump, Clinton, the GOP and the Democrats what you to believe.

But here is an interesting statistic that comes from The Federalist website (

“Is it possible for a third-party candidate to actually win states? In 20 percent of twentieth-century elections, third-party candidates did just that (Roosevelt in 1912, La Follette in 1924, Thurmond in 1948, Byrd in 1960, Wallace in 1968). Now, none of them won the right combination of states to deny other candidates a majority, but that also happened twice, in 1824 electing John Quincy Adams and in 1876 electing Rutherford B. Hayes.”

So the myth, the fallacy, the outright LIE by Clinton and Trump and the establishment absolutely falls apart.

Now that I have busted that myth, I want you to all consider letting the pollsters and the Commission on Presidential Debates know that you want Gary Johnson in the next two debates. Because a third voice is so very much needed.

Especially now that you see the truth of their lies to you, the voter. They steal your choice. They steal your voice. They will steal the election from the will of the people.

Voting for the lesser of two evils is STILL voting for an evil

Don't for AGAINST someone. Vote FOR someone.

The American people deserve ALL the information to make their decision. Not just the information they want you to know.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Worth Repeating (A post from 2010)

Sometimes I write something and come back to it years later and say "Wow, that was pretty good."

With the current elections being not only important but wildly out of focus, I think this article I wrote back in 2010 is very relevant. "Who do you listen to??"

One additional reference I might suggest. Its called On The Issues and can be found at I again provide the link as well as have the site linked because some people have a block on their links.

You can either go to the page and type in the candidate you want to kn ow about, or Google the person and add "on the issues". (For instance, "Gary Johnson on the issues".) Or you can go to the page and right there on the front page is a row of pictures with all the presidential and vice presidential candidates. (Except for Ajamu Baraka, Jill Stein's running mate on the Green Party ticket. Him you have to plug into the search engine. I don't know why.)

Please check it out, let me know if it was helpful or what you think.

Have a great day, keep thinking for yourself and stop being sheep.

This is just me, Thinking Out Loud!


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Clinton Obviously Thinks Bernie Supporters Are Stupid

How stupid are Bernie Sanders supporters? Well, we don't think they are but apparently Hillary Clinton does. Her VP pick was out campaigning in Florida this weekend, and was chummy with Debbie Wasserman Shultz. Yes, Sanders supporters THAT Debbie Wasserman Shultz!
Kaine even called her his "friend"! ("I'm so excited to see my friend and your representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz," he said. )
Sanders supporters can not SERIOUSLY be voting for Clinton with this kind of attitude. She is not only ignoring the dedicated supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders, but she is actually laughing at them by including Shultz in her campaign, by supporting her in her own re-election bid in Florida. Clinton and Kaine are proving that they are going forward with a politics as usual, the "I-was-mad-but-now-I-am-not" mantra of a typical politician in regards to Shultz.
Bernie supporters should still be angry at Shultz's political games, still be angry at Clinton for not keeping her distance and they should swing their support to #GaryJohnson - who embodies more of their ideas than either Clinton or Trump! If you don't think this, then just go to the Johson/Weld 2016 website and look over the issues. And if you think that is just rhetoric, as politicians usually do, go to On The Issues website to see his historically documented stand on the issues.
Stop being sheep and believing all the hype and lies of the party politicians and the media!
There IS another choice.
Just look for yourself!
Have a great day!


Saturday, August 27, 2016

Let Gary Debate

Hi gang! Looks like Gary Johnson is becoming more and more known across the country. More people are realizing they have a choice.

Got this email from the campaign the other day:


Let's Get People Talking About #LetGaryDebate!

There's a reason why major digital media outlets like Mashable are talking about our campaign.

Because you have all done an incredible job of pushing this campaign across social media. And over 600,000 people have signed the petition to #LetGaryDebate.

Over 30 million people reached on Facebook alone just last week!

Now, we have just launched a campaign that can help the #LetGaryDebate campaign go viral.
There is one simple way you can help: Change your social profile picture to let people know that you want to "Let Gary Debate!"
Changing your profile picture using Twibbon will keep your current social profile pic, but send a subtle message to all of your friends that you are one of the 62% of Americans that want a third voice in the presidential debates.

Change With Just a Click: 

After you’ve added the #LetGaryDebate overlay to your social profile, pleaseSHARE with your friends on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or your favorite social network.

Imagine 600,000 social profiles demanding to #LetGaryDebate.

This alone will catch the attention of the political community. All we need is your help.
Click HERE to Change your Profile!


So lets all get out there and make a difference. Lets get Johnson on the debate stage.

And I don't care if you intend to vote for him or not> We need the conversation he is going to bring. Lets get away from all the immature nonsense the Trump and CLionton campaigns have brought to this election.

All the name calling, all the he said / she said B******T that has been the hallmark of this Presidential election season . . . all of it . . . will go away once Johnson makes them start talking issues and solutions. And who knows, the more you hear about his fiscally conservative (read responsible) ideas and his socially liberal (read caring) plans, you might actually come to realize that he is what is needed in America today.

But even if not, you will have the two major parties (who have held a duopoly on this country for decades) getting back to putting needs of the country ahead of their egos!

Agree or disagree, I'm just trying to help you be more informed. This is just me, Thinking Out Loud!

Have a great day!


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Justice System or Joke?

What the hell is wrong with people today? What is up with judges?? I have always had a problem with the screwed up legal system in this country. And with the recent political cases that have been dropped or passed along to the next dupe, I have been truly shaking my head.

But here are two cases that just leave me outraged.

In one, a college student is raped and the boy, Austin Wilkerson, goes to trial (can't say man because he is NOT), and the case is not only made, his duplicity before, during and after the assault are enough to get him a guilty verdict. But then the judge gives him two years work release and 20 years probation. WHAT?!?!?

Even the District Attorney is as disgusted by this as I am.

"This defendant raped a helpless young woman after duping the people around her into believing he was going to care for her, tried to cover up his crime, and then repeatedly lied about what he did -- including under oath at trial," District Attorney Stan Garnett wrote in part in the sentencing memorandum.

"Nothing can mitigate that enough to not warrant incarceration."

But on Wednesday, Boulder District Judge Patrick Butler sentenced Wilkerson to two years of work release and 20 years to life on probation.

At least some people know better and have resorted to petitioning the judge be removed. (

But then there is another case, where a couple broke tax laws and were slammed with three years in prison. (

Couple sentenced to prison in tax case

A federal judge sentenced a former St. John couple this week to 36 months in prison over filing false tax returns that resulted in more than $1.28 million in outstanding taxes, interest and penalties.

George Gasich, 55, and Barbara Gasich, 54, who reside in Lakewood Ranch, Fla., were also fined $50,000 each, due immediately, according to a news release from U.S. Attorney David Capp.

To allow them to continue caring for their child, Barbara Gasich will not begin her sentence until after her husband completes his sentence, court documents stated.

The Gasichs, who had a 20-year dispute with the Internal Revenue Service, pleaded guilty to one count of filing false tax refund claims. An IRS agent testified the couple had earnings of more than $3 million since 2000, but had only voluntarily paid $7,458 in federal income taxes, according to federal authorities.

Really? I mean, okay, they broke the law. It was about money. No one was hurt. And they have a beef with the IRS. (Hey, who doesn't?) But yeah, they deserve to be punished.

But the kid who violently and sexually assaulted a young lady who will have to live with that for the rest of her life stays free? And they get three years in prison?

Where is the justice? Where is the outrage? I guess that is saved for when a criminal is shot by a law enforcement officer and the people rob, loot, pillage and plunder everything in sight because of this 'injustice'.

Or when a politician is indicted time and time again but is so rich and powerful they get away with it. And then their supporters cry foul. They say how could you keep harassing this politician when they obviously did nothing wrong.

But where are these people who cry over a criminal and show indignation over a crooked politician when it comes to such BS legal wrangling?

I guess I should not expect more from a system so rigged by money and influence that some rich kid can get away with murder and flight. The “affluenza” defense got Ethan Crouch 10 years probation. He fled the country, was captured and a judge is “considering” a sentence of 720 days in jail. (

But NOT for killing four people in 2013. But for leaving the country and violating his probation.


I am just sick about how bad our justice system is.

Agree or disagree, just look into it for yourself and you decide if its working.

Have a great day.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Really? Cop Killing to Protest? Stupid!

COMMENTARY - You all know I am a vocal opponent to most of our elected officials and often call them out on their blowhardedness. And you know I have been outspoken about some of the stupid things Tom Marino has said. But on this one thing (despite the fact I know he has an agenda for everything he does), I have to agree.

Here is what Marino sent out to press:

Rep. Marino Responds to Dallas Attack

Washington D.C.—Congressman Tom Marino (PA-10) issued the following statement after the attack on Dallas law enforcement officials that left 5 dead and several injured:

“Yesterday our nation experienced the deadliest attack on law enforcement since 9/11. The senseless loss of life this week is horrific and my thoughts are with the families of those who have been tragically taken. Instead of unifying and bringing our country together, too many of our leaders, including our president, have been the driving force in dividing us and pitting our citizens against one another. Some of this rhetoric has vilified our law enforcement to the point where individuals believe it is ok to commit mass murder against this community. The Dallas police chief said it himself - most days he and his team do not feel support. The very people who have dedicated their lives to protect us feel ostracized. Still, these officers ran headlong into danger and risked their lives so that the people around them and the city of Dallas would remain safe. My heart goes out to the injured officers, the victims’ families and their communities. There is absolutely no place for this type of violence. This divisiveness must stop.”

But I will go a step further than him by saying that if there weren't so many lawless people who feel they have a right to be as asinine and disgusting and disrespectful of life and authority, cops wouldn't be so on edge. If parents weren't so lacking in teaching their kids respect and responsibility, we wouldn't have a generation who thinks they can tell cops to "F" themselves or think its open season on our law enforcement members.

Sure there are bad cops, I am not so naive to think that there aren't bad ones out there. However, that is just like there are bad teachers and bad retail sales people and bad you name it. But the percentage of cops who are bad are a small number. Most are there to protect and serve and keep our society from de-evolving into chaos.

And if you think that any person has a right to just go blow away a cop in protest of what some other cop has done, then you have to believe that I am justified in blowing away any black person because a group of them mugged me once. Or that I have a right to just go blow away any neighbor because one raped a young girl I knew and destroyed her life. Or maybe I am justified in blowing away a car salesman because one screwed me over and left me on the brink of bankruptcy. Or a blow up the home of some random bank employee because a bank foreclosed on my house and left me homeless.

Your justification are stupid, so just SHUT UP with your racist BS. Yes, I told you to SHUT UP! Why? Because all the babble out there and raised voices of gang members and poor people and Hollywood types and a President who is so out of control he doesn't know when a leader should NOT add to the babble, are not doing anything to FIX THE PROBLEM, just add to the disease that is spreading across this country like leprosy.

Yes, some cops are racist. And so are some grocery store clerks. So are gang bangers. So are lots of others. But the numbers of ACTUAL racist people is small compared to the number of compassionate and caring people in America. SO STOP LUMPING people into a category just because someone with an agenda tells you to.

This is the worst case of BEING SHEEP I have seen in years. If you used your brain, you would remember the cop who gave you directions when you were hopelessly lost and on the verge of tears. Or the cop who held the little old lady's hand who had just been t-boned and was waiting for an ambulance. Or the the cop who caught the scum who stole your purse, broke into your house, raped your daughter's best friend. You would remember the feeling of relief as you walk at night from your job to your care when you saw the cop on the street or in the parking lot. Because you felt safer.

And you would remember the people who are afraid of cops are those who have a reason to be afraid of cops. (And I don't mean because they were brainwashed into thinking all cops are bad. Those poor kids turned into adults who feared cops for NO REASON. Only because bad people told them to afraid of cops.)

Okay by now the rabid crowds are slathering at all I have been saying. Calling me a racist. (Go stuff it because you don't know me or my life.) Calling me whatever pops into their little pea brains. But here's the thing.

I think if a cop has a bad shoot, they should be investigated and punished. If it was a legitimate mistake (someone with a BB gun points it and they kill the person, they STILL POINTED A WEAPON), then they should be punished accordingly - reprimand, re-training, dismissal, whatever a review board decides is appropriate. If a cop kills someone and it is manslaughter, murder, whatever, they should be punished accordingly. BY AN APPROPRIATE REVIEW BOARD. And if you disagree with the board, then complain to the person who appointed them. But DO NOT - I repeat for emphasis - DO NOT TAKE IT OUT ON ANY COP YOU SEE ON THE STREET!

This is anarchy. This is BS. These good cops you are lumping with the few bad ones have families. They have saved lives. They have protected you and your family. And deserve respect for putting on that badge everyday to go to work knowing they might not be coming home each night. They have lives just like you. They go to the store just like you. They want to see their parents 50th anniversary, they want to see their kids graduate and get married, they want to see the joy on their spouses' when they open that special Christmas gift they have been saving up for all year.

THEY are not the problem.

The ANGRY MOBS causing chaos are the problem. People venting anger and frustration at the wrong people are the problem. Politicians - and yes I am pointing my finger at the President specifically - who have an agenda or abuse their office, are the problem. Not letting justice take its course, not changing a system if you feel it is corrupt or broken, lazy people in general who will not do the work to fix things . . . THIS IS THE PROBLEM! Scumbags and cowards who take pot shots at cops who are just out there doing their jobs ARE THE PROBLEM! A culture of hate and violence and crime and irresponsibility for their own actions IS THE PROBLEM!

Advocating killing cops is the criminals solution, because it suits them! Blaming some poor guy out there doing his job because they don't want you to see they are not doing their's is the politicians solution, because it suits them!

I am angry. So this edition is angry. But you don't see me taking it to the streets and saying "kill all the protesters". And you don't see cops doing this either. I am trying to educate you so you thin k for yourselves, so that you are honest with yourselves. You are looking for someone to take out your anger and fear and frustration on. But you are targeting the wrong group. You are venting your hate in the wrong direction.

Just stop reacting with hate and start thinking. Fix the problems instead of adding to them.

Agree or disagree, its up to you. After all, this is just me - one person - Thinking Out Loud.


Friday, April 29, 2016

Why ACA is bad . . . A Response to Facebook Post

A friend posted a negative comment about ACA, the Affordable Care Act - also known as ObamaCare. Another person responded to his Facebook post with a lt of drivel about ACA. SO I thought I would post some links here for him to check out.

* United Healthcare exits Healthcare Marketplace - leaving lots of people with no choices.

2017 will see a rise in ACA insurance costs.

There are still millions "falling through the cracks", identified as the working poor. And, of course, if not insured, you get fined.

Job do come as the price of Obamacare. Not just in the loss of real jobs being replaced by low paying / low hourly jobs . . . 

"It's easier to find a unicorn than a Walmart worker who has gotten a meaningful raise, or hasn't had their hours cut," United Food & Commercial Workers Union spokeswoman Jessica Levin said via email. "America's hard-working families expect better from a company that makes billions in profit a year."

. . . but in the health insurance industry.

These are just a few examples of the impact of ACA, in response to this individuals staunch defense. He obviously doesn't do much research and only believes what he is told to believe.

An example of a true American Sheep.

Don't be a sheep. Don't blindly accept spin.

But hey, as usual, this is just me Thinking Out Loud. Do your own research.

Have a great day.


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Come On People All Lives Matter

There are some serious gaps in the education of our youth (and I mean going back decades, so that we find ourselves with an ignorant and uninformed adult population as well).

That has to be the explanation of all the very stupid things people are saying and doing these days. Right? I mean how else do you explain the stupidity of the Black Lives Matter movement? Or the This life is better than that life concept that has followed?

I say this because there is a storycoming out (not on any mainstream media outlet, of course) about a young ex-Marine who was assaulted by a gang of black youths (he figures five between the ages of 16 – 21, including one female) outside of a McDonald's. They had been harassing him inside, cornering him and shouting the question did he think black lives matter. He was knocked unconscious and robbed of money, credit cards, VA id and driver's license.

Here is a young man who surrendered his rights and the possibility of his very life to protect the freedoms these ignorant punks (and that is what they are, “usually a petty gangster, hoodlum, or ruffian”) enjoy.

So I am going to get real here. I mean really REAL. I am aiming this at EVERYONE! Men, women, children, politicians, civilians, black, white, red, straight, gay, transgender, rich, poor, middle class, the powerful and the powerless . . . EVERYONE in the United States!

The founding document of this country, the one that separated us from our colonizer nation, the one that outlined why we became who we became, explains things pretty clearly about who we should be as a nation.

The Declaration of Independence.

It starts out “We hold these truths to be self-evident . . .”.

For the uninitiated into the English language, let me translate. “Here is the obvious truth.” Its obvious, or self evident, to anyone who cares to simply open their eyes and see. Here are some truths and they are obvious. Pretty simple. But some people numbly look at you with a blank stare and go “huh?” and then ignore the document.

Okay, so we move on. “ . . . that all men are created equal . . .”. WOW! That line just blows away all of these separatist movements. All. Men. Are. Created. EQUAL! By men, the founders meant men as in mankind, as in humanity, as in EVERYBODY. So, everybody. Created equal. Boom! Black lives matter movement shut down. Because ALL lives matter. Says so in the founding document of this country. Rich lives, poor lives, homeless lives, working lives, black lives, white lives, ALL lives! End of discussion on that.

Now here comes the boom that makes the actions of thugs like the ones who attacked that Marine and like the ones in elected office un-American. “. . . that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights”.

You may ask what the heck “unalienable” means, and what are unalienable rights? Well you would be in good company because this has been discussed over and over by many people in the past. But here is the 411. Unalienable rights are rights that cannot be taken away. That's it. They are rights that you are born with. Like the right to breathe. No one can take that away. They can take away your ability to breathe. But your RIGHT to breath? No, they can't take that away.

So what are these rights? “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Now these are not the only ones. As I said before, you also have the right to breath. But the founders thought that would be kind of obvious to anybody, so they prefaced these rights by stating “that among these are”. So there are others but they wanted to include these three specifically.

Everyone has a right to life, to be alive. Therefore taking a life is not to be done for the hell of it. Any life. (And yes, I know, the taking of lives in war, any war is necessary to preserve life. A contradiction to be sure, but as I said, not simply done for the hell of it. Self defense, protection of others. Usually undertaken by those willing to sacrifice their own lives to defend the freedoms of these rights I am discussing.)

Liberty. Freedom. Everyone has a right to be free. You can be enslaved, in so many ways, but you choose to fight for this because everyone has a right to freedom. We fought a war to be free. People have staged protests to be free. Because it is a right everyone is born with.

And finally, everyone has the right to pursue a happy life. To be happy. To pursue it. A right. Born with it. Not to be taken away. Ever. By anyone.

So how do we secure these rights so that no one takes them away? The Declaration answers this. “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” Which means it is up to the government to preserve these rights. Governments that derive their power from the governed. That's us. The governed. The people. The voters who put the government in place.

But here is the rub. We the people have to ensure the government abides by the tenets of our country. And what to do if they don't? Well, we have elections to make sure that the ones who fail are replaced. But what if it gets so bad that we find ourselves falling apart at the seams, as we are now? There is an answer for that, too.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Kind of extreme. So if we want to avoid the latter, the abolishment of it, then we need to get active and work on altering it. By voting in people who do not derive their popularity or power from dividing us.

United, we stand. Divided, we fall. In modern times, one of our Founding Father, John Dickinson, used these words in a pre-Revolutionary War song called "The Liberty Song". In July of 1768 Dickinson wrote: "Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall!"

These Black Lives Matter movements do just this. They divide us. As do all of these “fill in the blank” Lives Matter groups, and as do all those who seek to usurp power by dividing us. And politicians who only wish to garner the largest amounts of votes. And they not only do a disservice to us as a country, but they tear apart the very tenets this country was founded on. That every one of us are created equal.

To that point, there is not one single candidate for public office in a very long time that is not guilty of dividing us. And we let them. We fall prey and victim to their manipulations.

I say it is time to stop listening to them and start listening to the concepts that formed this country that is the envy of the rest of the world.

Only by standing united, as one citizenry, as Americans all, will we fight off those that would divide and conquer us. Whether they be outside sources such as ISIS or Communists or Socialists or money grubbing, power hungry corporations, we must battle them all by ignoring their attempts and uniting.

Another document that looked to create a better country, a better world for all that followed them – for posterity – is the Declaration of Independence.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

It is time. To stop being sheep and to stop believing in “the spin” of all these divisive people and groups. We are ALL Americans. Not black Americans nor white Americans nor rich Americans nor poor Americans nor any other kind of such and such Americans. We are Americans and we need to stand united in the knowledge that ALL are created equal. All lives matter. Our Founding Fathers tried to make sure we understood this.

Normally I say agree with me or disagree with me, it doesn't matter. But I can't say that this time. Read it for yourself, don't just take my word on it. But if you disagree, if you think that all lives don't matter, that we are not all Americans, that we do not all have rights that cannot be taken away, that we don't need to stand united, then we will not all fall divided – then there is not much I can do for you. So just think for yourselves. Read what this country is all about. If you don't like that we are all one citizenry, then maybe you should think about finding a country that lets you feel divided and promotes divisiveness. But really, this is just me, Thinking Out Loud.

I hope you have a great day, and that you take my words into consideration the next time you hear someone saying something that divides us.


Friday, February 12, 2016

Trump, Trumpism, Charles Murray and the Anger of Americans

COMMENTARY - Trump vs Murray?? Charles Murray wrote this back in October 2015: "It could be the 1850s and the Know Nothings. Same fear, same rhetoric, same fascist tendencies. And I don’t use “fascist” loosely."
Yet today Murray writes in the Wall Street Journal (online - which you can only read the full story by logging in or subscribing) "If you are dismayed by Trumpism, don’t kid yourself that it will fade away if Donald Trump fails to win the Republican nomination. Trumpism is an expression of the legitimate anger that many Americans feel about the course that the country has taken, and its appearance was predictable. It is the endgame of a process that has been going on for a half-century: America’s divestment of its historic national identity."
So which is it, Mr. Murray? Is Trump and all he stands for the same rhetoric as the 1850's Know Nothings, representing fear and fascism? Or is it an "expression of legitimate anger"?
Like most "pundits" and politicians today, they just don't understand the appeal of someone like Donald Trump. Do people ACTUALLY want to elect The Donald as President of the United States of America? Mostly not. But what other choice do they have to vent their anger and frustration at a government intent on lying to (poorly) and dividing (convincingly) the entirety of the American people? What other choice do they have when there are so many incompetent people in power who really don't get the economy like a businessman of The Donald's obvious skills in that area? What choice do they have when the other choices are people who are cowards in the face of international mayhem?
With the damage this current president has done to not only the fabric of American society by the psyche of the American spirit, not to mention the nilly willy way in which he consistently violates the separation of powers with his use (or misuse) or executive orders, the people are frustrated.
Its also why Bernie Sanders on the Democrat side engenders so much support. Even though he has been a part of the problem for decades, he "says" the right things to a people who would not support ANY Republican. He is their ONLY choice to vent.
So what is the answer? Do away with parties. At least for President. Everyone can run on their own merit, their own ideas, their own platform. The person with the most votes (by the people, not some elusive "Electoral College") gets the job. The person with the second most votes becomes vice president. Its the only fair way in today's environment of political shenanigans and payoffs via party PACs and donations.
The American people are neither Republican nor Democrat nor Green nor Socialist as a whole. And neither should the President be. The President is NOT the leader of his respective party. He is the duly elected Executive for ALL the American people.
But you know what? This is just my opinion and thoughts on the matter. You can have your own opinion and thoughts on the matter. But thats what is great about our country. We can each have our own opinion and try to convince others of our ideas being the . . . .okay, I was going to say the right ideas. But in truth, as in governmental structure, there is no "right" and "wrong" idea. Its the BEST idea among all the competing ideas out there. Whats best for US. And I do mean US as in the capitalization "us".
Bottom line, though, is that America is pissed. And it will continue to be pissed long after whoever is elected president is sworn in. Because none of the damage done in the past 70 years can be corrected overnight. Or even in four years. But even if it doesn't, and even if Americans stay angry, if something isn't done to make corrections NOW, it will just keep getting worse. And THAT is the appeal of Trump and Trumpism. So Murray might finally have it right. Not sure because I will not be paying for a subscription of the Wall Street Journal to rad the conclusion of this article of his. I just can't afford it.
So, as I always say here, agree or disagree, thats up to you. Just do your research and think for yourselves. Don't be sheep and think what the pundits or your "betters" in politics tell you what to think. Not even me. Because this is just me, Thinking Out Loud.
Have a great day.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Who To Blame Now?! Redux 2016!

COMMENTARY - There are some things to remember amidst all the new presidential campaign rhetoric being posted on social media sites, and throughout both mainstream and alternative media. Not everyone is honest. And social media is filled with accusations, claims and misrepresentations that people keep 'sharing' and touting as fact.

Take for instance Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT). He has been railing against the Republican party blaming them for everything wrong in America. An old video of him slamming Alan Greenspan has surfaced and is labeled as him vehemently attacking the Republican party for the destruction of our economy.

Here's some realities.

In 1977, then President Jimmy Carter created the CRA (Community Reinvestment Act). This was to get banks / lending institutions to be more helpful to members of the communities in which they operate. However, this particular approach was made null and void with all the massive banking convergences. There are no longer local community banking / lending institutions. They are all national (and in some cases, international) conglomerates who don't really “operate” locally in the sense they did when the CRA was enacted.

Then in 1995 then president Bill Clinton lowered the standards about who could get low cost, no-cost housing loans, which – by all accounts – directly led to too many unqualified people getting loans they were never going to be able to pay back.

The blame game began in earnest which led to the current economic crisis America finds itself in.

In April of 2001, the Bush Administration first red flagged Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac stating that "financial trouble of a large GSE could cause strong repercussions in financial markets, affecting Federally insured entities and economic activity."

(Note - Bush also pushed for an audit of the Fed and experienced push back by the Democrats. Here is an interesting timeline on the White House's own archives.)

In response to the Bush's regulatory overhaul proposal, Barney Frank, a ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee, defended Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac saying,

These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – are not facing any kind of financial crisis, the more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing . . . I think it is clear that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are sufficiently secure so they are in no great danger. . . I don't think we face a crisis; I don't think that we have an impending disaster. . . . Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do very good work, and they are not endangering the fiscal health of this country.”

Barney Frank railed against the Bush administration's attempts to regulate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as a racist move. Maxine Waters declared vehemently that they were trying to fix something that “wasn't broken”. Gregory Meeks stated in a hearing (where he felt he had more important places to be other than there) that there was nothing wrong with “you know, Fannie Mae” and even attacked the competency of the oversight agency. Lacy Clay claimed the whole thing was actually about the “political lynching of Franklin Raines” (who was black, thus invoking old time racism prior to the Civil Rights movement).

Democrat after Democrat came to the defense of a broken system that led directly to the financial crisis we have been facing for far too many years. And now Bernie Sanders, Democrats and the media rant against Republicans laying the blame at their feet. When in fact it is the fault of both parties. Democrats for their failed judgment time and time again in the name of social programs, Republicans for a lack of bravery (or cajones) to stop them. BUT MOST OF ALL, it is the fault of the American people as well for being asleep at the wheel and letting these self absorbed and self serving people do ALL of these things.

This is yet another reason NOT to elect anyone from the established political parties. They are all complicit in the decline of America. And any rant to the contrary is simply political showmanship and proof of business as usual.

There are many places to find out this information but here is one source where you can find this information out (See more at: However, I have always stated that you should never simply take someone's word for it. Go to many sources and form your own opinion from facts you find. (I repeat, FACTS you find.) I don't even want you to simply take my word for it. I am just giving you factual food for thought with my own opinion thrown in. (Thus, why this article is labeled as “Commentary” and “Op/Ed”.)

So, agree or disagree, I only ask that you do so from your own base of knowledge. Don't disagree with me (or even agree with me) because someone else told you to. In order for America to right this listing ship of state, we ALL must learn to think for ourselves and stop being sheep!

But whatever you decide, this is just me, Thinking Out Loud!

Have a great day!
