* United Healthcare exits Healthcare Marketplace - leaving lots of people with no choices.
2017 will see a rise in ACA insurance costs.
There are still millions "falling through the cracks", identified as the working poor. And, of course, if not insured, you get fined.
Job do come as the price of Obamacare. Not just in the loss of real jobs being replaced by low paying / low hourly jobs . . .
. . . but in the health insurance industry.
These are just a few examples of the impact of ACA, in response to this individuals staunch defense. He obviously doesn't do much research and only believes what he is told to believe.
An example of a true American Sheep.
Don't be a sheep. Don't blindly accept spin.
But hey, as usual, this is just me Thinking Out Loud. Do your own research.
Have a great day.
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