Topping the blog lists!

You made Thinking Out Loud one of the top ten conservative blogs on "Top Political Blog" site (on April 28, 2012) with an international audience. On February 18, 2013, we hit in the top 50 of ALL political blogs. (This changes all the time, so keep reading.) Thank you.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Some time off

On the road the next couple of days to catch up with family and friends out of state.

But fear not, I will return to lambast some more politicians (Weiner, you wiener -- lame excuse and even lamer person -- don't deserve to be serving the people), roll my eyes at liberal hypocrisy (too many to mention, but lets just say Pelosi and Schultz -- ironically, both misogynist) and call the POTUS on whatever dumb thing he does (when Ryan told him to stop demagoguery and start leading, Obama whines that 'you guys won't listen to anything I put out there anyway' whine whine whine -- I think Mr President needs to learn what demagoguery means) next week.

As always, agree with me or disagree, but I am taking this time off anyway. Just kidding, you can agree or disagree with my stands (which I make no bones about them being conservative ones) on things. It really makes no matter to me personally, so long as I get you to think for yourselves. Because, hey, this is just me Thinking Out Loud.

Have a great day and a greater weekend. Maybe I'll see a few of you on the road. (Except my readers across the pond and elsewhere in the world. Because if I see you on the road that would just be odd.)


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