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Friday, June 17, 2011

Union Zombie boneheads

Here is what union boneheads did in front of Special Olympics winners.

Watch Video

Now I am all for Americans having the right to voice their opinion, even if I don't agree with their opinion. But come on, people. Let's have a little common sense and a little bit of a heart.

You want to protest? Fine, stand in the back with your signs. I mean, it is the cameras you want to get in front of, right? ALso, be a little bit more understanding of your surroundings when you decide to word those signs.

Does anyone with common sense really think crude language is appropriate around these innocent members of the Special Olympics community? Does anyone think it is right to ruin the special day of these determined athletes to get your little point across??

The GIANT BONEHEAD and MAJOR INSENSITIVITY AWARDS go to these union thugs and, well, union zombies for their disgraceful actions!

As usual, you can agree with me or disagree (though I think you are not such a nice person if you do disagree), but either way, its fine. Because my job is to get you to think outside the rhetoric of others and think for yourselves. No matter, this is just me, Thinking Out Loud.

Have a great day! And congrats to all the Special Olympics participants throughout the US and the world! You all rock in my book!


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