Topping the blog lists!

You made Thinking Out Loud one of the top ten conservative blogs on "Top Political Blog" site (on April 28, 2012) with an international audience. On February 18, 2013, we hit in the top 50 of ALL political blogs. (This changes all the time, so keep reading.) Thank you.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Steve Isreael and Dems Hug Unions and Screw America

"Will you stand with President Obama in creating jobs?"

This is the question in a recent email from Steve Israel, Chairman of the DCCC. In the email was a very disturbing image. (And I don't just mean the image of standing with a President who really has no clue how to "create jobs" in America.)

"Dems 2012 . . . Union-Made in the USA!" Union-made??! Now if that does not confirm all I have been saying about how Democrats and liberals are in the pockets of unions, I don't know what is. This is so very scary a thought. Unions controlling our country.

Not to say that almost all politicians are in the pockets of special interest groups, but just imagine how scary a country controlled by unions would be. Gone wold be your ability to work for whoever you want, wherever you want to work without being beholden to some political, money greedy thugs. (Yes, my opinion of unions is very strong in the negative direction and I have experience to back up my great dislike. Maybe I'll detail it here some day . . . like a whole post dedicated because the tale is scary and bit long.)

Take the NLRB and unions attack of Boeing and South Carolina.

Sout Carolina is a right to work state. You can quit and/or they can fire you, without preamble. But companies are very employee-centric in states like this. Andwith SC's 10.5% unemployment rating, they need to attract business however they can, to get their citizens back to work. Boeing, seeing the huge potential of a dedicated workforce, a state willing to help them and none of the union BS they have to deal with in states like PA or WA. Employees wages can be geared toward the area economic situation and employees don't have to lose a chunk of their money to unions.

AND what unions wil not tell you is that states like this CAN have unions in them. But it is up to employees to both opt in to these unions and opt out if they don't like it. Becasue unions don't want workers to determine what is best for themselves.

And with all the protections under law in place, the usual reasons for unions are non-existent.

Union-made politicians. Man, if that don't give you nightmares, I don't know what will.

Now, onto President Obama creating jobs. He still does not know how to do it. He's never done it. And, by all indications, he never will. He is still blowing hot air about 'shovel-ready' jobs even though he admitted there are no such things. And construction jobs for specific projects in mind are not continuing jobs, they are temporary band-aies to get workers back to work. In this field only. For secretaries, bakers, doctors, and so many other professions that make up almost 80% of the workfroce, these types of jobs are not in the cards.

Mr. President, get outof the way, stop making stupid stump speeches and get with the program. Start talking to the industry leaders who WILL create jobs to find out how it is done. Stop stabbing the job creators in the back with your class warfare rhetoric. If you thought that everyone in America shuold give their fair share than do on of two things, or both, if you're courageous enough. Make EVRYONE pay taxes, not just the 'wealthy'. And / or make taxes simple. Do away with loopholes, make the tax rate a definative thing. 10% for everyone. No ifs, ands or buts. 10%. And everyone pays. Because right now you have 50% of America not paying ANY taxes. Where is your political stump speeches about how THESE citizens are not contributing? It is in the politically correct category of "don't upset the apple cart, don't make enemies of your constituent base, don't make it seem like you hate poor people." Instead just hate rich people, ignoring the fact that has been pointed out to you time and time again. It is the wealthy business owners who create jobs. Not the government, not the poor, not the lower income middle class.

I could go on, but I thnk I made my point. If not, comment and tell me what you think I am wrong about or what you think I missed. I won't mind. I won't get upset. I won't stop answering your questions (unlike some politicians who refuse to speak with media outlets or citizens who ask the tough questions). Because this is just me, Thinking Out Loud.

Have a great day.


Friday, September 16, 2011

Exciting News

I have exciting news.

And it has nothing to do with Barack Obama's jobs plan (which I've already spoken out about before the latest news from GOP). It has nothing to do with Huntsman sucking up to the sports minded fans of South Carolina (like going to Clemson and Univeristy of South Carolina games is NOT going to offset each other). Or Hillary announcing there is "less than zero" chance of here going up against Obama in 2012 Primary (don't you love politicians who say such things . . . makes you wanna shout LIAR!).

No, my news is actually about me. I have been walking around with an elated feeling that even politics can't sway from me.

After all the articles, blogs, reviews, short stories I have published over the years, I have finally published BOOK ONE. (I call it that because I have every intention of following this up quickly with non-fiction, fiction and many more books. Let the flood waters spill!)

It is a poetry anthology of poems and pictures about my time as a truck driver. Aptly titled, Behind the Wheel: A Trucker's Poetry Book, I hope to dispel some preconceptions about truckers, life on the road and what these dedicated professionals have to deal with in regards to family, friends, job and life on the road in general. You can check it out (it is an e-book you can download on many platforms) if you'd like. I know I would LOVE it if you checked it out.

Now that I have broken that barrier in my life, I will be publishing more. Including the soon to be completed non-fiction "memoir" of the 2008 political campaign up to Barack's first year in office. Thinking Out Loud: The Book should be done editing next week and I will be getting that one out there.

Anyway, thank you all for your support of this blog. It is to you and the people over at WM Freelancers on LinkedIn that I gained my courage to do this. (I did the dedication to my family for Behind the Wheel, but it will be to you all that I will be dedicating the next one. After all, it was my readers, both casual and dedicated, that have inspired me to keep writing my thoughts on all things in America from a conservative viewpoint.

I will be back to wax politic and philosophical. For now, this is just me, Thinking Out Loud, and beaming from ear to ear.

Have a great day. I am.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Jobs, yes . . but is that all he should say??

President Barack Obama addressed a joint session of Congress about his jobs plan.

The question whether he should have addressed this to a full Congressional session and have it televised as such to the American public is moot. The ready answer is no. It was political showboating and a manuever to win an election. And even though he spoke of not doing such a thing, this only made his stand weaker. But it is neither here nor there at this point. It is what it is. It happened. Get past it.

The plan he put forward had both conservative and liberal elements. Can we say MIDDLE OF THE ROAD POLITICS? Yes we can! Was this speech intended to boost his declining poll ratings? Yes it was! Does that change that part of what he spoke was true? Hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Obama looked Presidential . . . for most of the speech anyway. Had he steered clear of his union endorsement, his social agenda crap and his small jabs at his opponents, he might have actually impressed me more as a president worth more of a historical sidebar than he was the first black president. But he could not help himself.

To the plan itself, it has some merits and should certainly be examined and tuned by the legislators whose job it is to legislate. But it should not, nor should any legislation aside from a national declaration of emergency or war, be "passed right away." The American people, for whom the President said this was all about, should have a chance to look at it. The legislators, on whose shoulders the responsibility to rectifying small gaps in knowledge and making sure it does not "cost" the people in the long run falls, should take time to look at it. (Not a session or a month or several weeks - it should never take THAT long to look.)

But to "pass it right away," to "pass it immediately," without the due consideration a hefty and ambitious plan such as this is deserves, would be as big an injustice as much of the recent legislation that has passed "so we can know what is in it." The President may have looked mostly Presidential, but that doesn't equate to dictatorship. And we should never allow it. Follow our leadership when it deserves it, question our leadership all the time. It is the only way to keep the powermad illness that can overtake even the most public service person. They are, after all, only human.

I hope the President much success (hey, I've been out of work at a day job since 11/09), as it means success for the American people, the nation and the continued existence of the institution of a free and democratic society. But there are two things that I know.

One appearance of leadership among all the political bickering and silent sideline stances this president has shown in the past two and a half years can not make up for it. I look forward to his one term presidency ending in 2012.

And secondly, his lack of decorum for the obvious political posturing this speech presented despite his condemnation of such actions is tacky to say the least. He should have left all that out. He should have left all the union boosting out. He should have addressed both the beltway political gamesmanship as well as the outside the beltway political gamesmanship. He mentioned the lobbyist for the corporation but failed to scold the union comments by the likes of Jimmy Hoffa (who really should take an extended expedition to join, er find, his father).

His failure to address this and actually include his pro-union ties in his speech took so much credibility away from his claims of clearing away the politics of DC in favor of the job they were sent there to do.

Were I to give this speech a grade (which seems so en vogue these days to giver politicians "report cards"), I would give it a B+ for the ideas and effort. I would give it a C- for credibility. And I would give it an F for avoidance of biased political rhetoric.

Agree with me, disagree with me, it really doesn't matter to me. So long as I can get you to see past the pretty rpose and double meaning hidden in every political speech adn think for yourselves beyond the borders of political parties and ideology, than I have accomplished my goal. Because hey, this is just me, Thinking Out Loud.

Have a great day.
