SO where does that leave us? Romney? Please, the guy is so not ready fro prime time players it is not even funny.
There is no one out there to go up against the Democrats candidate. And I sure as heck am not voting for Obama.
So where does that leave anyone who doesn't want Obama to get a second chance to mess things up worse?
Green Party candidates Mesplay or Stein?
(Yes, these are all either candidates or have said they were running - excpet for Nader and Ventura - for President in 2012.)
I think Hillary Clinton would have a good chance of beating her boss for the nomination and the Presidency. But like a good little Democrat, she will not run. Not that I'd vote for her . . . maybe.
But it is very discouraging to see there is little chance of finding someone out there worth voting for.
I won't stay home. But I am having a hard time deciding. Maybe I will run this time. Maybe. Who knows.
Anyway, the usual spiel . . . disagree or not, it doesn't really matter to me. Just as long as I got you thinking for your own selves. because heck, this is just little old me, Thinking Out Loud.
Have a great day.
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