Topping the blog lists!

You made Thinking Out Loud one of the top ten conservative blogs on "Top Political Blog" site (on April 28, 2012) with an international audience. On February 18, 2013, we hit in the top 50 of ALL political blogs. (This changes all the time, so keep reading.) Thank you.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Occupy This, you putzes!!!!

Okay, this "Occupy Wall Street" thing is just stupid. Bizarro and stupid!

Not only is it an idea that has no basis in reality, but it has soared over the waters and is hitting foreign shores. And why? They don't know. Just ask them. They heard America was doing it and thought they would, too.

These twits would blame investors who saw the housing crisis and did what they do best, read the signs and make smart decisions.

And the signs were there. Barney Frank and his cronies selling the public on the lies of "everyone deserves to own a home" no matter the reality of their situations. Barney Frank and his Democratic bleeding hearts ignoring the real world and protecting the people running Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac into the ground. Liberals in their thinking that everyone deserves to get everything without having to work hard for it.

This is not real life people! This is not only a stupid way of looking at life but a dangerous one. Look at all the harm caused by people who think this way. And now look at all the twits who still believe that everyone deserves a handout.

Friends ask me all the time, in their arguing their liberal views over my conservative values "don't you think you deserve free medical since you are on hard times, after all the years of working and paying taxes etc"?

No, I don't 'deserve' a free hand out. I don't deserve to get some help right now because I've fallen on hard times. I am fully capable and still out there looking for work and doing what temp and freelance I can find. And as long as I am not dying, I will not "just go to the emergency room because they HAVE to see" me, and then ignore the bill when it comes. this is the credit card mentality of people living beyond their means. And yes, my health is like everything else in my life. If it is not absolutely necessary to do and I can't afford it, I won't.

It is the mentality of those bleeding heart liberals who feed the line to the public that everyone deserves a hand out instead of just a hand up that has brought America and the American dream to its knees. It is this selfish belief that just by breathing you deserve to be lazy and irresponsible all you want.

Herman Cain is right. Want someone to blame, look to your own actions. For my part, I did not forsee and was nto prepared to meet this particular crisis in my life. Does this mean I can just be lazy about it? No! It means I have to tighhten my belt, make responsible decisions and not be a burden to anyone else.

Agree with me, disagree with me, it doesn't matter. I can't make you stop being lazy, I can't make you be more responsibile, I can't make you think one way or the other. but If I can get you to stop blindly follwoing those who would seel you a bill of goods for their own purposes, if I can get you to start using that grey matter between your ears, than I have done my job. Because hey, this is just me, Thinkiing Out Loud.

Have a great day.


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