Can you believe it. Some astounding and unbelievable thin gs are happening.
For one, winter is HERE - not just coming. I am looking at getting about 18" of snow where I am. And it is not even Halloween yet! Sheesh. Amazing. Reporters are saying there is no one alive who can remember the last time a big one hit this bad this early. But you know what I think of the research done by most media people. Anyway, it is still astounding.
And the second thing is that the first Primaries are scant sixty days away - and most Republicans say it is too early to commit to deciding on their chosen candidate.
Good news, I guess, for the candidates. But what it says is that none of the current field are thrilling the voters. Which means that it will really be a crap shoot on who they set up to go against Obama next year.
Not good for us. Means four more years. Of the same lackluster economy and failing of government to listen to the people. because they do not know what they are doing. They need to listen to SOMEONE about the way they are all failing, GOP and Dems alike.
Gotta run. Library computer, you know.
Anyway, agree or disagree, I don't care. Just start thinking for yourselves and stop listening to the morons who are supposedly in charge. If this is a "ship of state," then no one really has the wheel, do they? But hey, what do I know? This is just me, Thinking out Loud.
Have a great day.
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