But lo and behold, not only did I STILL not get a job (have been a writer for almost 2 years now full time because I haven't been able to get a traditional, benefits included (insurance, vacations, etc), but NOW I find out that companies who want to get / keep nice lucrative Federal contracts will NEED to hire people like me. That is, people who are disabled but still able to work in most situations.
What am I talking about? The NEW quota the Feds just placed on anyone with or wanting a Federal contract. Read it here.
Don't they realize that not only do quotas never work out, but those "disabled" people who have been avoiding that label like the plague will STILL not be hired? Just say the word "disability" to an employer and they shrink in their seats, squirm because they feel guilty that they are NOT going to hire you, and scratch your name off the potential list and move it to the "only if I am desperate" list.
Once more, the "good idea / bad idea" people in DC, the do-gooders who really do no good, are going to tout how much they are doing and not really helping anyone.
When will Americans completely WAKE UP and stop sending these clowns in who only muck things up further?! I wish I had the funds to really get the word out that Americans need to STOP BEING SHEEP and AVOID THE SPIN that all these nincompoops spew out there!
Okay, I'm getting riled here, so I better stop before I get those nutjobs in Washington to censoring me with their internet crap of shutting down websites who don't agr. . . -. - - 0i-9 87 87968 9v 7 8ds7 4 875687^*)&^)^ )&^%R(T *ATABN QDSJM
Just kidding folks. Those back room dealers have better things to do that read a blog by yours truly.
Anyway, agree with me or not, it only matters to me that you get to using that gray matter between your ears and start thinking for yourselves. Because this is just me, Thinking Out Loud.
Have a great day.
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