Topping the blog lists!

You made Thinking Out Loud one of the top ten conservative blogs on "Top Political Blog" site (on April 28, 2012) with an international audience. On February 18, 2013, we hit in the top 50 of ALL political blogs. (This changes all the time, so keep reading.) Thank you.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

This "racism" crap is getting OLD

This is not getting ridiculous, this IS ridiculous!

I am so sick and tired of the racism crap that is being slashed around the political arena and being repeated by the mindless drones of their ideological parties! This is just the latest BS, and the {President needs to come out and tell his supporters he will fire any staffers who repeat this drivel. So should Romney. I not only dare them to do this, I DEMAND they do this.

Am I naive or stupid enough to think racism doesn't exist? Of course not. Are there white people who hate black people simply because they are black? Yes. Are there black people who hate white people simply because they are white? You better damned well believe it. So long as there are people who are so lazy as to blame others for their lot in life, then there will be bigotry of many sorts.

But for politicians and political groups who continue to USE racism as an excuse or a weapon, well, this is unconscionable and they should not be in the public servant arena. And that includes Presidents, Vice Presidents, Senators, Judges, Presidential candidates, et al.

Constantly shouting racism at anyone who disagrees does a disservice to America. And anyone who keeps doing it is un-American. They are not only NOT patriotic, but they are traitors to the ideals of America.

Yes, I went there. They are traitors. America is about the celebration of freedom by ALL diverse groups. America was founded by English, German, Polish, Jews, Christians, Afrikaner . . . all manner of peoples. Their common link was a desire for freedom. A desire to live among like minded freedom lovers. Sure there are diverse cultures. There are diverse skin tones. There are diverse religions. And all are invited and excited to live in a country where you can be all of these without fear of someone coming in the night to cart you off and never be heard from again.

In America, you don't have to belong to a specific religion. In America you don't have to be quiet when you disagree with the government. In America, a rich boy or a poor girl can grow up to be whatever they want . . . even President.

That is the promise of America. And those who purposefully try to divide this country just so they can get the lion's share of the vote do America, its citizens, founding fathers and the promise a disservice.

Prejudice of any kind has NO PLACE in the service of American. Without the diversity of America, it is no more. Without the faiths of America, it is no more. If there is no business to provide jobs and no employees to provide a workforce, it is no more. If there is no entrepreneurial or patriotic spirit among the people of America, IT IS NO MORE!

I repeat my call.

PRESIDENT OBAMA, fire anyone who would divide this country. And stop using rhetoric yourself doing this. Including your ridiculously foot-in-mouth addled VP!

MR. ROMNEY, fire anyone who would divide this country. And stop playing the political games your "advisors" are presenting you with. No more references to birth certificates.

This country has serious problems without our politicians waging race and class warfare.

Keep it up, and come November I will plead, call for, demand cajole everyone I know and everyone they know and so on and so on, to vote for anyone BUT you two.

You have one week to declare your campaigns free of this nonsense. Then I start advocating for ANYONE other than you two.

You say what is one lone voice in the wilderness? I say it is an American voice. I don't matter. But America matters. Americans matter. The ideals that framed this country MATTER. You two do not. I remind you of many instances in American history where one voice mattered.

In 1800, one vote decided a Presidency. In 1839, one vote decided the Governor of Massachusetts. In 1845, one vote brought Texas into the union and in 1846, one vote decided entrance into war. And in 1920, one vote gave women the vote.

So, one voice can make a difference. And even if it doesn't, then does it really matter to you? Agree or disagree with me, does it matter? But if I get you thinking for yourself instead of listening to the SPIN of people who do NOT have your interest or the interest of America at the forefront, than I will have done something useful. But hell, this is just me, Thinking Out Loud.

Have a great day.


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